Sunday 26 April 2015

Evaluation: How Effective is the Combination of Your Main Product and Ancillary Texts?

With all marketing campaigns, it is really important for there to be continuity across all of the media products that are being used to promote the film, in oder for the audience to realise that all the texts are promoting the same film. A unified campaign helps to establish an awareness of the film, constantly showing the audience images associated with the film, so that when they make a choice about what to see in the cinema, the film will be fresh in their minds.

I tried to make sure that there were consistent, unifying elements throughout my campaign. The font for my title on and teaser trailer and on my poster are the same, making them instantly recognisable as belonging to the same film. When I conducted my research I had to be selective with the font that I chose as I knew I would be using it for both. It had to be effective on both the poster and in the teaser trailer. The font that I used is called 'Avenir' and I used this on my titles, tag lines and real ease dates for both my poster and teaser trailer.

Alongside using the same font I made sure that I repeated my taglines in both the teaser trailer and on my poster, alongside having the release date and social media links.

Images of my main stars appeared in both my teaser and my poster, and to link the film with my magazine cover I also used an image of my female lead (which would be part of a press kit distributed to media outlets as part of the film's promotion).

Other factors that were similar across the products were production company logos on both the teaser and the poster, as well as billing on both, and the prominent use of the film's title across all of the elements of my marketing campaign.

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