Tuesday 7 April 2015

Evaluation: Using Conventions of Posters

I took a similar approach to gathering information about the conventions of posters and I incorporated my findings into my finished poster below.

After looking at a variety of posters from different genres and making a list of the recurring conventions, such as billing, the title of the film being prominent, tag lines, release date and reviews, I then looked at posters from the melodrama genre.

Here I made notes about any ways that genre was presented through font, colour scheme, setting and iconography. I have tried to clearly indicate genre in my poster, building upon the genre conventions that I found during my analysis of existing melodrama posters. As you can see, I have included a font that I feel clearly reflects the genre, a tagline that implies the genre to the audience, a cloud scheme that is typical of the genre and its audience, an image that includes characters in a pose that instantly indices the melodrama genre (along with a genre specific setting) and finally, reviews that use words that indicate the genre to the audience.


Name of Film:

Dominant Central Image:


Release Date:

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