Tuesday 7 April 2015

Evaluation: Using Forms and Conventions of Real Media Products - Introduction

To make sure that my teaser trailer, poster and magazine front cover were as realistic as possible, one of the first things I did was research existing media texts to get an understanding of the conventions of each type of media.

I started by looking at the conventions of posters by looking at a number of posters from different genres, before focusing on the melodrama genre to see how iconography from the genre was used on the posters.

I conducted similar research into magazine front covers, initially looking at a range of different film publications to see if similar codes and conventions recurred. Once I had decided on which type of film publication would be most appropriate to promote my type of film, I conducted a more detailed analysis of mainstream film publications such as Empire and Total Film.

I then conducted research into the conventions of teaser trailers. First looking at the similarities and differences between teasers and theatrical trailers, before looking at a range of teasers from different genres to see if particular conventions repeated occurred. Finally, I looked at trailers and teasers from my final genre to see if amy of the conventions changed dependant on genre.

Thel research I conducted into each different type of media helped shape my understanding of the basic codes and conventions which I then used in my own productions.

I have decided to deal with each type of media in relation to real media products in a bit more detail in three separate posts.

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