Thursday 23 April 2015

Evaluation: Using Technology

I have decided to split this post into two sections - firstly focusing on using technology in the research, planning and evaluation stages, and secondly discussing how I used technology in the production and editing of my teaser, poster and magazine front cover.

One of the first pieces of software that I used during the research and planning stages (and then during my evaluation) was Blogger, which allowed me to record all my planning and research and include video clips of trailers I was analysing and images of posters and magazine covers.

Photoshop Elements was also useful at this stage (as well as being essential later when creating my poster and magazine cover) as it enabled me to annotate posters and magazine covers neatly and clearly. Using Photoshop in these early stages also helped me become familiar with the tools, so that it was a little easier when I had to use the software to create my own print products.

When using Photoshop for the creation of my magazine cover and my poster I used a range of tools to help construct something that looked realistic.

These included the move tool which meant that I was able to rearrange elements of both pieces of print work, which was crucial each time I added new elements such as banners or cover lines to my magazine cover or the billing and taglines to my poster. The move tool also enabled me to make separate elements bigger or smaller so that they fitted in with other elements.

Other useful tools included the eyedropper tool, which enabled me to pick colours on both my poster and magazine cover, the text tool (essential for writing all of my copy) and the magnetic lasso tool which allowed me to cut out the picture of my actress for my magazine and the couple for my poster.

Below are some of the stages of development for both my poster and my magazine cover - I hope you can see how far Photoshop has aided me in the construction of both of these products.

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