Sunday 12 October 2014

Results of questionnaire for poster

Most of the results are from my questionnaire regarding my poster confirmed what I had found from close textual analysis of existing posters for films from the melodrama genre. As expected, the majority of people (over 90%) felt that the most appropriate image that would be found on the poster would be of a couple kissing/embracing. As a result of this I have created a shot list for my photoshoot with my main actors that involves them in various 2 shots in close proximity to each other. The point of this is to imply to the audience that at least during some point in the narrative, the couple are together and experiencing happiness before the inevitable tragedy that is typical of the genre occurs.

I had noticed during my secondary research into posters that that the colour scheme on the poster was often soft pastels, rather than bright and colourful (which would be more typical of a romantic comedy, rather than a romantic drama) or dark and muted (which is a common colour scheme on posters from the thriller genre). Whilst some of those questioned opted for a bright and colourful colour scheme, over 70% said they expected to see soft pastel colours which would reflect the couples happiness, and the theme of love. I have already started selecting a range of potential pastel colours to use on my poster when I begin creating it on photoshop.

Almost all of the posters I analysed included a setting behind the characters that was reflective of peace and tranquility and that had romantic connotations (beaches, woodland, nature, rather than an urban environment). The majority of answers made reference to a natural landscape with a beach and parkland being the most popular. As a result of my findings here, I am going to take shots of a number of different locations that would be potentially suitable as the backdrop for poster.

I have already conducted considerable research into the certificates of melodramas and have found that, with the odd exception, films from this genre tend to receive a 12A certificate at the cinema and a 12 on DVD. Surprisingly, quite a high number of responses thought that a 15 certificate but as this does not tally with my own research I have decided to stick to the 12A certificate, which appears to be most common within the genre.

When I asked a question regarding whether the font for the name of my film should be lower case or upper case, I got  pretty mixed response, with only slightly more people suggesting that the font should be lower case. This did tally with what I had found when analysing existing posters from the genre, with some such as Dear John and Safe Haven, using upper case and The Notebook and My Sister's keeper using lower case. I think I will use lower case font on my poster but it may depend on the overall look on my poster when all of the various elements have been added.

The majority of people I questioned regarding release dates thought that films from the melodrama genre would be released either in Winter or Spring. Many of the films whose posters I analysed were released in February so I think I will target Valentines Day as my release date.

With regards to questions I asked about names of stars and tag lines appearing on the poster, almost everybody questioned thought that they should. I have already written my tagline and will include it on my poster underneath the name of my film. I will also include the names of my 2 lead actors.

The final question I asked was regarding reviews. Roughly half of the respondents thought reviews should be included on a poster, whereas the other half suggested not. I have decided to include reviews on my poster for a number of reasons. Firstly, I feel quite strongly that reviews help sell a film to audiences. Secondly, as my teaser trailer will come from the beginning of the films marketing campaign, I think that it will be appropriate (in terms of showing my understanding of how a films marketing campaign works) that my poster should come towards the end of the campaign - it will therefore be more likely to include reviews. Thirdly, including reviews will give me another opportunity to show my understanding of audience, as I will choose publications that will be most appropriate for my chosen demographic.

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