Saturday 11 October 2014

Questionnaire for poster

Having gathered lots of secondary research ahead of creating my poster, I thought it would be useful to do some primary research to find out first hand what audiences would expect to find on a poster for a film from the melodrama genre.

below is my question questionnaire, which attempts to gather information about the type of image, colour scheme, setting certificate and even type of font and release date that audiences would accept for my kind of film. I will distribute my questionnaire only to fans of the melodrama genre (I will ask them if they have seen films from the genre such as The Vow and The Notebook before asking them to fill out the questionnaire).

The information I gather from this primary research will be incorporated with the conventions I have noticed form analysing posters from the genre, before I add these conventions to the poster I create. Once I have gathered the information, I will post my results.

What do you except the main image in a melodrama poster to be?

- An individual male?
- An individual female?
- A couple kissing/embracing?
- A couple fighting?
- No people?

What do you expect the colour scheme to be?

- Dark and muted?
- Soft pastel?
- Bright and colourful?

If there is another setting behind the characters, what would you expect it to be?

- An urban location
- An outside location (a forrest or beach)
- A domestic location (a house)
- A work place location (an office)

What would you expect the certificate of a melodrama film to be?

- PG
- 12A
- 15

What font case would you expect the poster to have?

- Upper case
- Lower case

What season would you expect a melodrama film to be released?

- Autumn
- Winter
- Spring
- Summer

Would you expect the names to be on the poster?
- No
- Don't know

Would you expect to see tag lines to be on the poster -
- No
- Don't know

Would you expect to see reviews on the poster?
- No
- Don't know

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