Sunday 14 December 2014

Teaser Trailer Analysis - Conclusion

Having now looked at all these different teaser trailers from all different genres, these are the consistent conventions that I found:

- Production Company Logo

- Reference to another film that has been created by the same person
(The Dictator)

- Eye candy
( The Hunger Games)

- Title of the film
(The Expendables 3)

- Release date
(Star Wars)

- Website
(The Expendables 3)

- Cast
(The Dictator)

- Indication of genre - this shot shows that it is a fantasy film
(The Hunger Games)

- A variety of camera shots

- Image of star
(The Dictator)

Other conventions the use of music, impact sounds, voiceover, dialogue from the film, tag lines alongside rapid editing and cuts or fades to black.

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