Saturday 13 December 2014

Teaser Trailer Analysis 5 - Noah

Here is my analysis for the epic film, Noah, which is due to be released in March.

  • The clip begins with logos of the production companies, which is common for teaser trailers to do.
  • There is dramatic music played throughout. This helps to convey the genre of the film.
  • Like all the other teaser trailers I have analysed, the pace of the editing is quick to tease the audience, with a number of fades or cuts to black.
  • The trailer shows the main characters and rarely anyone else
  • Like in The Dictator teaser trailer, there is no voiceover. Instead there is dialogue from the actual film of the characters speaking.
  • The teaser includes tag lines and impact sounds.
  • At the end of the clip the name of the film and the release date is shown, which is done in most teaser trailers.
  • The teaser trailer also includes a website and a twitter link.

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