Saturday 13 December 2014

Teaser Trailer Analysis 4 - The Dictator

Here is my analysis for the comedy film, The Dictator.

  • Just like the other trailers I have analysed, this teaser trailer does not give away the full storyline, however it does make the genre of the film clear and known.
  • The trailer, like the previous 3 I have already analysed, shows quick clips to tease the viewers, whilst not giving out too much information.
  • There is music played nearly the whole way through the trailer, which is very common in teaser trailers.
  • There is no voiceover in this teaser trailer and more dialogue from the actual film in comparison to the previous 3 trailers.
  • It shows the name of the film at the end of the clip, like most teaser trailers do.
  • All the clips show the main character which is done a lot in teaser trailers. This is in order to let the viewers know who is mainly in the film and give them an vague idea of what their character is.
  • The trailer contains a number of tag lines.
  • There are references to other films from the same genre produced by the same personnel.
  • The name of a main actor appears on screen.
  • There is a website at the end of the teaser and a twitter link.

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