Friday 19 December 2014

Melodrama Trailer Analysis - Conclusion

After looking at 5 melodrama trailers I have found following conventions that appeared a lot and that I want to put in my own trailer:

  • The trailer will include romantic elements.
  • There is usually a boy and a girl who are the main characters and fall in love with each other and have some sort of relationship.
  • Usually scenes of separation and heartache, a lot of the time due to differences in class and status between the girl and the boy.
  • There are scenes set in romantic places like the beach.

  • The music is usually romantic or uplifting.
  • Many of the trailers mention Nicholas Sparks as he write many books of melodramas which are then created into the film.
  • There are many kissing scenes within the trailers and also several references to love.
  • Fades are popular in trailers for melodramas.
  • The name of the film is always at the end of the trailer.
  • Often melodrama trailer include an event which is the main storyline of the film. The event is usually something sad that will break up the couple, for example a car accident.

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