Tuesday 16 December 2014

Comparing Teaser and Theatrical Trailers - Conclusion

The key differences between teaser trailers and theatrical trailers are as follows:

  • Teaser trailers are shorter.
  • Teaser trailers often have very little dialogue, if any.
  • The editing in teaser trailer is quicker, with more fades.
  • Teaser trailers appear to contain a greater number of tag lines and fewer images than theatrical trailers.
  • The release date in a teaser trailer is often vague, whereas in a theatrical trailer it is specific.
  • Teaser trailers tease by withholding story information, whereas theatrical trailer give audiences a much greater understanding of what happens in the narrative.

The key similarities be between teaser trailers and theatrical trailers include:
  • Both contain images from the film.
  • Both contain production company logos towards thee begging of the trailer.
  • Both contain the name of the film.
  • Both contain a website or social media links.
  • Both contain billing.
  • Both contain music and impact sounds.
Whilst I am making a teaser trailer I intend to make mine slightly longer than the 20 or 30 second teasers I have analysed and I feel that my teaser will blend some of the elements of teaser trailers with some elements of theatrical trailers.

Both of the teasers I have looked at belong to films that have an existing fan base, which enables the teaser to withhold narrative information but still be appealing to the audience (50 Shades Of Grey is based on a best selling novel, whilst Captain America is based on a novel). In order to make it realistic that there would be a teaser trailer for my film, I will either make my film a sequel, or base it on a novel.

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