Wednesday 7 January 2015

Prop and Costume List

As my teaser trailer will contain scenes from different points in the film, I will need a number of costume changes for my main actors and a range of props. Below is my costume and prop list that I am organising in advance of shooting so that my filming runs as smoothly as possible.


A dog - needed for the early scenes in my trailer where the couple first meet.

Bicycles - for a scene in the montage showing the couple enjoying themselves.

Suitcase or bag - needed for the scene where the female protagonist leaves her house.


Female protagonist needs approximately 7 costume changes - this can be achieved by wearing different jumpers or jackets

Male protagonist needs approximately 7 costume changes - again these can be achieved through different tops etc

1 costume for the protagonists friend

1 costume for the policeman - a smart suit will be sufficient

1 costume for the mum

2 costume changes for the dad - to be changed when he knocks on his daughters door

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