Sunday 4 January 2015

Potential Ideas for Teaser Trailer

shots of the girl at school, meeting the boy at the gates
shots of her being forbidden to see him by her mum
the boy is older
shots of her running away and packing her bag
the boy and girl have to be wearing different clothes on the poster to the clothes they are wearing when they meet
girl and boy meet in the park when their dogs run off and meet each other - the boy and girl need to be wearing clothes which show its a cold winter

main male protagonist
main female protagonist
policeman - - knocking on the door, shouting through the letter box, 'its CID… i need to talk to you about…' then have the policeman in it later talking to the mother or the father 'when was the last time you saw her' - over the shoulder shot focusing the policeman
verbal confrontation between the policeman and the main protagonist 'leave her alone or…'
the policeman is there to establish that something has happened in the past
mother and father
best friend - the lead and friend talking about how happy lead is 'I've met an amazing guy'
zoe and sammy


after the shots in the park where they meet camera inside the school looking out through the gates (medium long shot)

scenes of them kissing
shots of each protagonist
a lot of scenes of them together in different times in different locations having fun together laughing etc
at the beginning when they meet in the park don't do a 2 shot - have a single shot of them both - not in the same shot together unless its an over the shoulder shot]
THEN in the the middle have several 2 shots to show them happy together
has to have a conversation 'theres something going on but i can't tell you'
after the shot of her jumping into his arms, have several shots of them happy together
then you get policeman knocking at the door, then you get the mum talking to the girl
birds eye view shot of zoe in bed looking upset
shot of the mum saying to the dad she's gone


a scene in montage to show he isn't bad
shot of him phoning from a phone box
shot of mum or dad picking up phone at home
close up of him talking down phone
shot of mum or dad arriving at a location
shot of him with a girl who is wrapped in blanket encouraging her to talk to them

long shot of police man at front door

close up of hand banging on the door

cut to protagonist - over his shoulder looking out the window

cuts back to medium shot of policeman at the door shouting

cuts to shots of them together - her asking whats wrong and him recoiling

following that - shot of policeman with the parents clearly saying something to them

shot of either mum or dad clearly arguing with girl

shot of her slamming her bedroom door
shot of her throwing things into a suitcase or bag
shot of her crying in the mirror
shot of her leaving with her bag
shot of dad banging on her bedroom door
shot of her banging on his door
shot from behind her of him opening the door
close up of her faces crying
close up of him putting his arms around her


all too well taylor swift song

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