Thursday 8 January 2015

Films coming out beginning of 2016 Ideas for Magazine Coverlines

  • The Forest - 8th January 2016
  • Ride Along 2 - 15th January 2016
  • The Boy - 5th February 2016
  • How To Be Single - 12th February 2016
  • Grimbsy - 26th February 2016
  • Zootopia - 4th March 2016
  • The Free State of Jones - 11th March 2016
  • WarCraft - 11th March 2016
  • Kung Fu Panda - 18th March 2016
  • Beverly Hills Cop - 25th March 2016

George Clooney
Channing Tatum
Jonah Hill
Amy Adams
Ben Affleck
Naomi Watts
Ryan Reynolds
Jessica Alba
Morgan Freeman
Rebel Wilson

Wednesday 7 January 2015

Prop and Costume List

As my teaser trailer will contain scenes from different points in the film, I will need a number of costume changes for my main actors and a range of props. Below is my costume and prop list that I am organising in advance of shooting so that my filming runs as smoothly as possible.


A dog - needed for the early scenes in my trailer where the couple first meet.

Bicycles - for a scene in the montage showing the couple enjoying themselves.

Suitcase or bag - needed for the scene where the female protagonist leaves her house.


Female protagonist needs approximately 7 costume changes - this can be achieved by wearing different jumpers or jackets

Male protagonist needs approximately 7 costume changes - again these can be achieved through different tops etc

1 costume for the protagonists friend

1 costume for the policeman - a smart suit will be sufficient

1 costume for the mum

2 costume changes for the dad - to be changed when he knocks on his daughters door

Tuesday 6 January 2015


I'm nearly ready to film, so to help me out on my scheduled filming days i've taken my redrafted shotlists and turned them into a storyboard.

Monday 5 January 2015

Shot list

Shot 1 - Establishing shot/ wide shot of massive park overlooking city (Primrose Hill)

Shot 2 - Long shot of female protagonist walking
female is wearing casual clothes, looks quite young (16 years old)
camera pans slowly to follow her - also shoot it without any camera movement

Shot 3 - Long shot of female protagonist walking dog
walks towards the camera with the dog

Shot 4 - Close up of her hand letting go of the lead
Medium long shot of dog running off

Shot 5 - Medium close up of female shouting
hands on her head shouting "scruffy!"

A couple of shots of the dog running

Shot of him looking up or turning around to notice the dog has run off - Medium close up

Shot 6 - Medium long shot of male protagonist with dog, on the ground

Shot 7 - Medium long shot of male protagonist getting up - he looks quite a lot older, wearing a hoodie with hood up and ripped jeans - slightly suspicious looking

Shot 8 - Medium close up of female protagonist smiling/thanking him (over the shoulder shot, showing her looking up at him)

Shot 9 - Medium long shot of male protagonist putting his hand out to shake hers - isn't smiling but seems happy to meet her (over her shoulder look up this time)
'I'm Sammy"

Shot 10 - Medium close up of female protagonist looking up - eyes look big and wary

(like in the safe haven trailer)***********

Shot 11 - Close up of them shaking hands

Shot 12 - Medium shot of Sammy looking into distance - not in a creepy way, in an intrigued way

Shot 13 - Extreme Long Shot of Zoe walking dog with Sammy in the distance behind her still watching her walk away

Fades into tagline ' chance meeting'

Shot 14 - Shot of her and her best friend somewhere talking to her
'I've met this amazing guy' - (4 shots maximum)

Shot 15 - Long shot of everyone leaving school - camera is behind them

Shot 16 - Medium shot of Zoe leaving school door with books smiling because she can see Sammy in the distance

Shot 17 - Medium close up of Sammy looking through the gates at Zoe

Shot 18 - Long shot of her running towards him (away from the camera)

Shot 19 - Medium shot of them hugging and embracing

Then the montage

Shot 20 - them riding bikes
one close up one long shot

Shot 21 - them one the swings in the park - possibly holding hands

Shot 22 - them kissing in her room

music becomes more serious

22 - fades to black with a tagline - a troubled past

23 - Long shot of police man at front door - Sammy's front door

24 - close up of hand banging on the door

25 - cut to protagonist - over his shoulder looking out the window

26 - cuts back to medium shot of policeman at the door shouting

27 - cuts to shots of them together - her asking whats wrong and him recoiling

28 - following that - medium long shot of policeman with the parents clearly saying something to them

29 - medium long shot of either mum or dad clearly arguing with girl

30 - medium close up of her slamming her bedroom door

31 - close up shot of her throwing things into a suitcase or bag

32 - close up shot of her crying in the mirror

33 - long shot shot of her leaving with her bag

fades into tagline ' a forbidden love'

34 - close up shot of dad banging on her bedroom door

35 - close up shot of her banging on Sammy's door

36 - medium long shot from behind Zoe of Sammy opening the door

37 - close up of her faces crying

38 - close up of him putting his arms around her

winters shadow


coming soon


I need to film in a variety of locations and I have begun scouting taking photographs of suitable places to film. I will be filming in the following locations:

Park - for the opening scenes where the protagonists first meet

Kitchen - for the conversation between the protagonist and her friend

The school grounds (including the school gate) - for the scene where the male protagonist has come to meet the female protagonist (used to indicate to the audience that she is younger than him, a potential obstacle in the way of their relationship developing)

Woodland - for the shots in the montage of them cycling together

Playground in a park - for the scene with them of the swings together

Her bedroom - for a number of scenes with couple together

House 1 (Sammy's house)
- exterior shot of policeman knocking on front door                                  
- shot of male protagonist looking out his window                              
- interior bedroom with couple having conversation

House 2 (Zoe's house)
- kitchen again with policeman talking to Zoe's parents                                  
- hallways outside Zoe's bedroom (a number of shots of Zoe's entering her room                                                                                                                                                                           and her dad banging on the door)

Potential Names For My Film

I needed to come up with a name for my film. name would reflect the story line as well as indicate the genre. Below are a list of names that I came up with.
  • Trouble Path
  • Stars In The Dark
  • Winter Shadow
  • Safe Waves
  • The Road of Love
  • The Promise
  • Lie of Love
  • Above The Clouds
  • Life As A Lie
  • Night and Day
I am going to conduct a focus group in order for me to decide on a name. The name of the film is really important for the way that my film is represented. By conducting a focus group I will be able to get an idea of what the audience think and take their opinions on board.

Sunday 4 January 2015

Potential Ideas for Teaser Trailer

shots of the girl at school, meeting the boy at the gates
shots of her being forbidden to see him by her mum
the boy is older
shots of her running away and packing her bag
the boy and girl have to be wearing different clothes on the poster to the clothes they are wearing when they meet
girl and boy meet in the park when their dogs run off and meet each other - the boy and girl need to be wearing clothes which show its a cold winter

main male protagonist
main female protagonist
policeman - - knocking on the door, shouting through the letter box, 'its CID… i need to talk to you about…' then have the policeman in it later talking to the mother or the father 'when was the last time you saw her' - over the shoulder shot focusing the policeman
verbal confrontation between the policeman and the main protagonist 'leave her alone or…'
the policeman is there to establish that something has happened in the past
mother and father
best friend - the lead and friend talking about how happy lead is 'I've met an amazing guy'
zoe and sammy


after the shots in the park where they meet camera inside the school looking out through the gates (medium long shot)

scenes of them kissing
shots of each protagonist
a lot of scenes of them together in different times in different locations having fun together laughing etc
at the beginning when they meet in the park don't do a 2 shot - have a single shot of them both - not in the same shot together unless its an over the shoulder shot]
THEN in the the middle have several 2 shots to show them happy together
has to have a conversation 'theres something going on but i can't tell you'
after the shot of her jumping into his arms, have several shots of them happy together
then you get policeman knocking at the door, then you get the mum talking to the girl
birds eye view shot of zoe in bed looking upset
shot of the mum saying to the dad she's gone


a scene in montage to show he isn't bad
shot of him phoning from a phone box
shot of mum or dad picking up phone at home
close up of him talking down phone
shot of mum or dad arriving at a location
shot of him with a girl who is wrapped in blanket encouraging her to talk to them

long shot of police man at front door

close up of hand banging on the door

cut to protagonist - over his shoulder looking out the window

cuts back to medium shot of policeman at the door shouting

cuts to shots of them together - her asking whats wrong and him recoiling

following that - shot of policeman with the parents clearly saying something to them

shot of either mum or dad clearly arguing with girl

shot of her slamming her bedroom door
shot of her throwing things into a suitcase or bag
shot of her crying in the mirror
shot of her leaving with her bag
shot of dad banging on her bedroom door
shot of her banging on his door
shot from behind her of him opening the door
close up of her faces crying
close up of him putting his arms around her


all too well taylor swift song

Saturday 3 January 2015

Cast and Crew for Billing

Ben Pearce as Sammy Huberman

Kim Grey as Zoe Isaacs

Zoe Maguire as Mandy, the Mother

Daniel Lipman as Tim, the Policeman

Scruffy as The Dog

Lasse Hallstrom Director

Deborah Lurie - Composer

Nicholas Sparks - Writer

Nancy Richardson - Editor

Aaron Zigman - Music

Amanda Mackey Johnson - Casting Director

Terry Stacey - Cinematographer

Karyn Wagner - Costume Designer

Mark Friedberg - Production Designer

Denise Di Novi - Producer

Bruce Berman - Producer

Marty Bowen - Producer

Friday 2 January 2015

Potential Music

As my trailer is for a film that belongs to the romantic drama genre, I need to choose music that connotes that genre to my audience. My initial thoughts are that I would like to use tracks similar to those below as they have the right romantic tone.

Taylor Swift - Love Story

Taylor Swift - All Too Well

Lifehouse - Between the Raindrops