Friday 6 March 2015

Order of shooting - grouping my shots together

I finished my shot list and I am planning to film this weekend. So in order for my shoot to run as smoothly as possible, I have grouped my shots together in terms of either actor availability or location. This means I will be shooting out of sequence, but it should save me time during production. I have decided to shoot many of the shots from a number of angles and distances to give me more footage to play with during editing.

Group 1:

Shots 1 - 13.
All take place in the park.
All feature Sammy, Zoe and the dog.
All wearing the same clothes

Shots 20 - 22
Change of clothing for all 3 shots.
20 - outside Zoe's house on bikes
21 - back in the park on swings
22 - in Zoe's room

Group 2:

Shot 14
Takes place in a random room.
Features Zoe and a friend.
Zoe will be wearing different clothes to shots in the park.

Group 3:

Shots 15 - 19.
All takes place at school.
Features Sammy and Zoe.
A new set of clothes to the other shots.

Group 4:

Shots 23, 24, 26.
All of policeman at Sammy's door.

Group 5:

Shots 25 and 27.
Both feature Sammy and Zoe in Sammy's room.

Group 6:

Shots 28, 29 and 34
Featuring the Zoe, her parents and the policeman.
Her dad knocking on her bedroom door.

Group 7:

Shots 30-33
Features only Zoe in her house.

Group 8:

Shots 35 - 38
All featuring Zoe and Sammy, now at Sammy's house